
Ibiza Calm Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Many people leave home worrying that they’ve left the oven on or the front door open; or that they must avoid a certain unlucky number. It’s normal sometimes to have doubts, worries, or superstitious beliefs. But with OCD they become so excessive that they control your daily behaviour.

OCD involves behaviour, or compulsions, as a reaction to a set of obsessive thoughts that are continuous, repetitive, anxious, time-consuming, and often, in reality, completely out of proportion. In other words, you keep thinking you must take an action, according to a certain rule, or else something bad will happen.

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The compulsions are ritualistic and repetitive actions – far worse than everyday rituals or habits – that temporarily relieve the obsessive thought. For example, checking door handles several times in order to prevent an accident from happening to a loved one. Or counting an exact number of steps before getting in the car. A common form is an anxiety about illness and germs, and the sufferer will repeatedly wash their hands and clean themselves and their surroundings.

This need to ‘act’ on the thought and obey certain rules is powerful and convincing. It usually alleviates the anxiety for a short time, but the obsessive thought will return and gradually get worse. The condition frequently develops in childhood and gets progressively worse in teenagers. There are many types of OCD: obsessively checking things; excessive washing and cleaning; repetitive ordering and arranging, lining up and organising, the need to constantly place objects in a certain order; repeaters who must repeat the same action multiple times; hoarders; and people with scrupulosity – in other words, having to be thorough.

Related conditions

Common conditions that closely resemble OCD are tic disorders – for example, a vocal tic disorder such as snorting. Tic disorders are involuntary behaviours in response to a feeling of discomfort. It’s much more common for OCD and tic disorders to occur together when the conditions begin in childhood. Many OCD sufferers also have depression, and some have accompanying food disorders.

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

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