
Ibiza Calm Addictions Anxiety Disorders


Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels, which can significantly impact a person’s daily life and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. It is described as a mood disorder because it severely affects an individual’s emotional responses.

Bipolar disorder is distinguished by periods of mania or hypomania, where the individual experiences high energy, an elevated mood, difficulty concentrating, impulsive behaviour, is easily distracted, irritable, appears to need little or no sleep, and in some people incidences of psychosis.

These “high” (manic) periods may be interspersed with “low” episodes (depression); with symptoms during the low periods along similar lines to those experienced in major-depressive disorder, but not always.

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Some of the signs of mania or hypomania include:

  • → Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity – feeling on top of the world, imagined special connections with people in high places or powerful positions, exaggerated self-confidence.
  • → Decreased need for sleep – going to bed late and rising very early, surviving on little sleep but still feeling refreshed.
  • → Pressure of speech – hurrying, inability to get the words out in time, difficult to interrupt, loud and emphatic, continuing to talk even when no one is listening.
  • → Flight of ideas – accelerated speech, thinking of one thing then another, speech becoming incoherent.
  • → Distractibility – moving from one project to the next, can’t sustain attention, easily distracted.
  • → Psychotic episodes – paranoia, imaginary friends, delusions, hallucinations, impairment of ordinary everyday activities.
  • → Increased involvement in goal-oriented activities – workaholism, obsessive behaviour.
  • → Psychomotor agitation – cannot sit still, fidgeting, pacing around, inner tension.
  • → Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities with a high potential for painful consequences: substance abuse, sexual acting out (several partners in a short period of time), excessive gambling and spending sprees.

There are several types of bipolar disorder:

Bipolar 1, a serious mental health condition that involves at least one period of mania - which can include psychosis and may require hospitalisation. The manic period can either come before, or follow on from a depressive or hypomanic episode, but not always.

Bipolar 2, this is still a serious psychological condition which generally includes at least one episode of depression and one of hypomania. Hypomania is a less severe form of mania not usually requiring hospitalisation.

Ibiza Calm Bipolar Disorder

Cyclothymia, when there have been episodes of both hypomania and depression, but not as severe as Bipolar 1 or 2, though this can develop into 1 or 2 if not treated.

Rapid cycling bipolar, and bipolar with mixed features or seasonal pattern bipolar, these describe some of the different ways that bipolar 1 and 2 can affect an individual, rather than separate conditions.

There is also substance-induced mood disorder, which is brought on by the physiological effects of a substance, e.g. cocaine, ecstasy, or prescribed medication.

People with alcoholism are more than six times more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder than the general population. When there is a dual diagnosis of alcoholism occurring together with another psychiatric condition, this is called co morbidity or dual disorder.

Alcoholism (or another addictive illness) often makes diagnosis and treatment of the second psychiatric illness more difficult, because the behaviours and symptoms of alcoholism mask the symptoms of the other illness and prevent the client seeking help.

For some individuals with bipolar disorder, symptoms may be severe and difficult to manage on an outpatient basis. In such cases, a residential treatment programme offers a structured environment where individuals can receive intensive care, a carefully designed routine to help them stabilise, therapeutic support, medication management/adjustment as required, and peer support to reduce feelings of isolation.

Bipolar disorder is a complex condition that requires comprehensive treatment tailored to individual needs. By providing a supportive and structured environment, a residential treatment programme can empower individuals with bipolar disorder to regain stability, learn coping skills, and ultimately lead fulfilling lives.

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