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Adicción al cannabis

What is Cannabis?

Cannabis, sometimes referred to as marijuana, weed, or pot, is a psychoactive drug derived from the Cannabis plant. The plant contains over 100 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids, with the two most well-known being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is primarily responsible for the psychoactive effects, or the “high,” that users experience, while CBD is non-psychoactive and often associated with therapeutic benefits.

Cannabis can be consumed in various forms, including smoking, vaping, edibles, oils, and tinctures. It is widely used for both recreational and medicinal purposes.

Cannabis use, while often perceived as harmless, can lead to significant issues for some individuals, including addiction. Heavy cannabis consumption, or consumption of some of the high-potency products, such as “skunk”, can lead to psychosis y psychological conditions.

Recognising the signs of cannabis abuse and understanding the available treatment options are crucial steps toward recovery. With the right support and treatment, overcoming cannabis addiction is possible, leading to a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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Por qué do people uSe cannabis?

People use cannabis for various reasons, including:

cannabis addiction

Recreational uSe: Many individuals use cannabis for its psychoactive effects, such as relaxation, euphoria, altered perception of time, and enhanced sensory experiences.

Medical uSe: Cannabis is also used to treat a variety of medical conditions. Some of the most common include chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy, nausea (especially related to chemotherapy), and appetite loss. CBD, in particular, is favoured for its anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties.

Social and cultural factors: In some cultures, and social groups, cannabis use is normalised or even celebrated, leading to its use in social situations.

Auto-medicación: Some individuals turn to cannabis to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues.

Why cannabis can be dangerous

While cannabis is often perceived as a relatively safe drug, it carries several risks, particularly with misuse or high-potency products, these include:

Mental health risks:

- Anxiety and paranoia: High THC levels can lead to severe anxiety and paranoia, especially in new or infrequent users.
- Psychosis: There is a well-documented link between heavy cannabis use and the development of psychosis, particularly in individuals with a genetic predisposition.
- Cognitive impairment: Regular use, especially in adolescents, can impair brain development, affecting memory, learning, and attention.


Physical health risks:

- Respiratory issues: Smoking cannabis can cause similar lung damage as smoking tobacco, including chronic bronchitis and other respiratory problems.
- Cardiovascular problems: Cannabis use increases heart rate and can raise the risk of heart attack, especially in older adults or those with existing heart conditions.


Addiction and dependency:

- Cannabis use disorder (CUD): Regular use can lead to dependence, characterised by a need to use more to achieve the same effects, withdrawal symptoms, and difficulty stopping use despite negative consequences.
- Gateway drug: Although highly debated, some research suggests that cannabis use can lead to the use of other, more dangerous substances.


Impact on daily life:

- Impaired driving: Cannabis use significantly impairs motor coordination and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents when driving.
- Social and occupational impairment: Persistent use can lead to poor academic or work performance, strained relationships, and a reduced quality of life.

Is cannabis addictive?

Cannabis can be addictive. While not everyone who uses cannabis will develop an addiction, approximately 9% of users may become dependent. This rate increases to 17% among those who start using cannabis during adolescence and up to 25-50% among daily users.

Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is the clinical term for cannabis addiction. It involves a pattern of continued use despite significant negative consequences in various aspects of life, such as work, school, and relationships.

Signos y ssíntomas de cannabis abuse y addicción

Cannabis abuse and addiction can manifest in various ways, including:

Comportamiento signos:

- Using more cannabis than intended or using it more often than intended.
- Inability to reduce or control cannabis use despite wanting to quit.
- Spending a significant amount of time obtaining, using, or recovering from cannabis.
- Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home due to cannabis use.
- Continuing to use cannabis despite its negative effects on personal relationships.


Physical and psychological ssíntomas:

- Increased tolerance, needing more cannabis to achieve the same effects.
- Withdrawal symptoms when not using cannabis, such as irritability, restlessness, sleep disturbances, and appetite changes.
- Using cannabis to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
- Changes in mood, such as increased anxiety, paranoia, or depression.
- Impaired memory, concentration, and decision-making abilities.
- Red or bloodshot eyes, dry mouth, and increased appetite (commonly known as “the munchies”).


What is cannabis withdrawal?

Cannabis withdrawal occurs when a person who has been using cannabis regularly and heavily, reduces or stops their use. Symptoms typically begin within 1-3 days after stopping use and can last for 1-2 weeks, though some symptoms may persist longer.

Común symptoms of cannabis wRetirada incluir:

- Irritability and mood swings.
- Ansiedad e inquietud.
- Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.
- Decreased appetite or weight loss.
- Physical discomfort, such as headaches or stomach pain.
- Intense cravings for cannabis.


While cannabis withdrawal is not life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and challenging to manage, which may contribute to relapse. Seeking professional support during this period can significantly increase the chances of successful recovery.


Tratamiento para cannabis addiction at the rehab centre

Ibiza Calm is a specialised treatment centre that provides medicamento rehab for individuals who are struggling with cannabis use and addiction. The goal of the treatment is to help individuals understand the underlying causes of their problem and develop the tools and strategies needed to maintain abstinence in the long term.

El centro de rehabilitación ofrece un enfoque integral para la recuperación de cannabis addiction, including individual and group therapy. The Ibiza Calm team comprises experienced healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, who work together to provide the highest level of care and support to each patient.

Componentes clave de las viviendas cannabis tratamiento de adicciones en Ibiza Calm

El tratamiento residencial en el centro de rehabilitación incluye:

Initial evaluation: On arrival all clients are given a comprehensive, thorough assessment to understand the severity of their cannabis use and addiction, plus any co-occurring mental health issues.


Planes de tratamiento individualizados: Each person’s experience with drugs is unique, so all our treatment plans are tailored to address specific needs and goals. A personalised approach enhances the effectiveness of therapy.

Terapia intensiva individual: Residential treatment involves various therapeutic modalities, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours; and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), which focuses on developing skills to manage emotions and improve relationships.

Group therapy: Facilitated group sessions provide support and help individuals connect with others who are facing similar challenges.


Terapia familiar: Implicar a los familiares puede ayudar a reconstruir las relaciones, mejorar la dinámica familiar y educarles sobre la adicción y la recuperación. Todos nuestros programas de tratamiento incluyen un grupo de apoyo familiar. Cualquier familiar puede asistir, semanalmente en línea, desde el momento en que su ser querido ingresa en la clínica de tratamiento.


Planificación de la asistencia posterior: Recuperación a largo plazo de any adicción, including cannabis, involves ongoing support, such as continued therapy, support groups, and lifestyle changes to prevent relapse. As part of our tailored treatment programmes, all clients are introduced to the aftercare therapy group before leaving the clinic, ensuring they are confident of ongoing, continued support. 


Cannabis is known by various names and types, y can be dangerous due to its potent effects, especially when used improperly or excessively. Below is an overview of the different names and types of cannabis and the associated risks:

Different names for cannabis.

Cannabis goes by many names, some of the most common names include:

Marijuana: The most widely recognised term, often used in legal and medical contexts.

Weed, pot, dope, wacky-backy, Mary Jane: These are slang, street or colloquial terms.

Grass: A more old-fashioned term still used occasionally.

Ganja: Derived from Hindi and widely used in Rastafarian culture.

Herb: Often used in both casual and cultural contexts.

Hash: Short for hashish, a concentrated form of cannabis made from the resin of the plant.

Bud: Refers specifically to the flowering part of the cannabis plant that is harvested and consumed.

Skunk: Has become slang for any potent, high-THC strain of cannabis. With THC levels often around (and above) 20% it produces a powerful and long lasting psychoactive high.

Spliff: Which generally means a joint but is sometimes used to mean cannabis.

Edibles: Cannabis-infused food and beverages

Spice, K2: These are synthetic cannabinoids (man-made cannabis).

Types of cannabis

Cannabis comes in various strains and forms, each with different levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD (cannabidiol), and other cannabinoids. These differences can lead to varying effects and risks:

Cannabis sativa:

- Characteristics: Sativa strains are typically higher in THC and lower in CBD.
- Effects: Known for its energising and uplifting effects, it’s often used during the day for its stimulating properties.
- Risks: High THC levels can lead to anxiety, paranoia, and an increased risk of psychosis, particularly in those predisposed to mental health issues.


Cannabis indica:

- Characteristics: Indica strains generally have higher CBD levels, although they also contain significant THC.
- Effects: Indica is known for its relaxing and sedative effects, making it popular for nighttime use.
- Risks: While it may seem less risky due to the calming effects, high THC levels can still impair cognitive functions, and long-term use may lead to dependency.

Hybrid strains:

- Characteristics: Hybrids are crossbred from Sativa and Indica strains, aiming to combine the effects of both.
- Effects: The effects vary widely depending on the dominance of Sativa or Indica in the hybrid.
- Risks: Hybrid strains can be unpredictable, with some having high THC content, leading to increased risk of adverse effects.

Hashish (Hash):

- Characteristics: Hash is made by compressing the resin from cannabis plants, resulting in a more potent form of cannabis.
- Effects: Hashish is typically stronger than regular cannabis flower, leading to more intense psychoactive effects.
- Risks: The higher concentration of THC increases the potential for addiction, overdose, and severe psychological effects.


Concentrates (Wax, Shatter, Oils):

- Characteristics: These are highly concentrated forms of cannabis, often containing 60-90% THC.
- Effects: Extremely potent, leading to a faster, more intense high.
- Risks: The high THC levels can cause severe anxiety, hallucinations, and an increased risk of cannabis use disorder. The potency also raises the likelihood of consuming too much too quickly, which can result in dangerous physical and psychological reactions.



- Characteristics: Cannabis-infused food and beverages that are ingested rather than smoked.
- Effects: The onset of effects is slower, but they can be more intense and longer lasting compared to smoking.
- Risks: Because effects are delayed, users may consume more than intended, leading to overdose. The intensity and duration of the effects can cause significant distress and disorientation.

Synthetic cannabis (Spice, K2):

- Characteristics: These are man-made chemicals sprayed onto dried plant material to mimic the effects of THC.
- Effects: Synthetic cannabinoids can be much more potent than natural cannabis, leading to severe and unpredictable effects.
- Risks: These substances are highly dangerous, with risks including severe anxiety, hallucinations, heart attacks, seizures, and even death. Unlike natural cannabis, the chemicals in synthetic cannabis can vary greatly in potency and toxicity.

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Quería dejaros un mensaje rápido para agradeceros mucho vuestra ayuda y apoyo durante mi estancia en Ibiza Calm. Todas y cada una de las personas de la casa fueron importantes a su manera en mi recuperación. Me siento muy agradecida a todos vosotros. No siempre es fácil pero se puede conseguir. Mi vida es mucho mejor de lo que era antes de venir y definitivamente soy una mejor versión de mí misma ahora.


Mi hijo asistió a dos centros de rehabilitación antes de ir a Ibiza Calm. Ibiza Calm, sin embargo, era exactamente lo que decía ser. Trabajaron con mi hijo como un aliado vital en su proceso de recuperación, no como una persona a la que hay que romper y arreglar de acuerdo con un régimen establecido, a la que se culparía y avergonzaría si no respondía adecuadamente al protocolo y al programa de tratamiento del centro. El terapeuta asignado a mi hijo encontró el equilibrio adecuado entre permitirle avanzar a un ritmo en el que se sintiera cómodo y presionarle para que mantuviera un ritmo exigente de autodescubrimiento y recuperación. Mi hijo ha salido de este tratamiento tranquilo y consciente de sí mismo; mientras que terminó los otros programas enfadado e incluso traumatizado. Mi hijo sólo ha estado 6 semanas fuera de Ibiza Calm, así que el éxito a largo plazo para mantenerse sobrio está por ver, pero el cambio en su actitud y comportamiento es tan profundo que tengo grandes esperanzas para el futuro por primera vez en años. Recomiendo Ibiza Calm sin reservas, más bien con una gratitud abrumadora.


Yo estaba en Ibiza calma desde el 4 de julio hasta el 29 de julio de 2020, tengo 23 años de edad y estaba en un lugar horrible en mi vida De la bebida y la cocaína. Mi novia está embarazada y de plano tuvo suficiente de mi comportamiento egoísta. Yo estaba realmente listo para comenzar mi recuperación, me instalé en fantástica tienen un personal increíble tan servicial y atento, la comida es increíble gracias a Danny el hombre principal en la cocina, los jardines son hermosos, las habitaciones son muy agradables en general me encontré con mi estancia increíble. 10/10 no podía fallar muchas gracias Francis.


Mi marido estaba en otra clínica de rehabilitación en el Reino Unido hace 6 meses, que no estaba totalmente convencido de que no sólo las experiencias de los demás, pero el entorno / Set up y el enfoque de la misma .. él es sólo 2 semanas en su viaje en IBIZA calma y es la primera vez en mucho tiempo por fin puedo oír la felicidad en su voz, y la motivación en su curación / sobriedad viaje, el compromiso con su salud interior y exterior .. Sé que esto es sólo el principio, pero tanto Billy como Luca han sido extremadamente útiles y me han ayudado mucho. Si buscas ayuda para ti o para un ser querido, no busques más, este es el tipo de lugar que alguien que sufre necesita: el entorno, el programa, el ambiente y un equipo increíble.


No puedo agradecer lo suficiente al equipo de Ibiza Calm. Tuve un amigo que pasó un tiempo con ellos y lo que han hecho es increíble. Desde la terapia hasta las reuniones le han preparado para seguir adelante. Una vez que se fue, no se quedó solo y tiene un fantástico sistema de cuidados posteriores. Gracias.


ibiza calma es un gran lugar para el tratamiento que estaba usando drogas y beber todo el tiempo mi vida era un desastre hasta que fui a ibiza calma en abril de 2016 el personal era fantástico y se preocupaba por mí el tratamiento que recibí fue insuperable no puedo agradecer ibiza calma suficiente y también mi familia tiene allí hijo y marido de vuelta en allí vive gracias a este lugar estoy agradecido a los propietarios que siempre me han apoyado a través de los años
