por ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 26 de septiembre de 2024 | Noticias
According to reports, individuals in Europe and the USA, spend upwards of 90% of their time indoors, most of it staring at a screen. This has led to a variety of issues, dubbed “technostress”, with symptoms including poor posture, muscle tension, focus and...
por ibizacalm_obp0x5 | Sep 17, 2024 | Noticias
Addiction and mental health care: choosing the right place for treatment. September is recovery month. A time to celebrate the success stories of individuals in recovery, showing that recovery is possible and sustainable, and to reduce the stigma and misconceptions...
por ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 9 de septiembre de 2024 | Noticias
In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, we are honouring the lives of five amazing women. Women who despite battling personal demons and the devastating mental health condition of addiction, have come out on top. With several successful years of sobriety,...
por ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 9 de septiembre de 2024 | Noticias
With any subject that is at times controversial, and often misunderstood, there are always rumours, myths and half-truths circling around the whole concept. Addiction is no different. Because many people really don’t understand the disease, they only see the...
por ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 9 de septiembre de 2024 | Noticias
One of the latest scandals to hit the headlines involves UK daytime TVs, This Morning, andis mirrored by similar accusations being levelled against The Kelly Clarkson Show, in the USA. In both cases, former employees have alleged that the makers of the programs...