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Why do people gamble?

Problem gambling, also known as gambling disorder or compulsive gambling, is a serious and often overlooked mental health issue. It can lead to significant emotional, financial, and social harm, not only affecting the individual but also their families and communities.

Why do people gamble? Gambling creates a high, a rush of adrenaline and can be exciting. Like other addictive behaviours it blocks out all other considerations and concerns. It’s not winning that the gambler becomes addicted to – it’s taking the risk. That’s why the gambler goes back and loses all their winnings – they are not doing it for the money, they are doing it for the feeling.

Gambling disorder or problem gambling is characterised by a persistent and recurrent problematic gambling behaviour that leads to clinically significant impairment or distress. It is classified as a behavioural addiction, similar to substance use disorders, by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

It’s estimated there are currently around 370,000 problem gamblers in the UK. A lot of problem gamblers do not declare themselves or seek help, and gambling is often not recognised as an addictive illness. However, the behaviour of problem gamblers causes extreme disruption both in their own lives and in the lives of their families. Debts mount up, homes are lost, families split up, and gamblers can acquire criminal convictions.

Addictive gambling involves denial about the problem; an inability to stop or control the behaviour; mood swings and depression. Like any other addictive disease, pathological gambling has phases. These include chasing the first win (always trying to have again that first wonderful high when winning); experiencing blackouts (periods of gambling of which the gambler has no memory at all); and using gambling to escape emotional pain.

Addicted gamblers experience low self-esteem, they use rituals, and are driven to seek immediate gratification. There is also a significantly high suicide rate amongst compulsive gamblers.

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Individuals with gambling disorder may exhibit symptoms such as:

  • → Increasing bets: Needing to gamble with increasing amounts of money to achieve the desired excitement.
  • → Failed attempts to quit: Repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling.
  • → Chasing losses: Returning to gamble again after losing money in an attempt to break even.
  • → Mayor seguridad, además de nuestras garantías habituales de discreción y anonimato.
  • → Lying about gambling: Concealing the extent of involvement with gambling from family members and others.
  • → Jeopardising relationships and opportunities: Risking or losing significant relationships, jobs, or educational and career opportunities because of gambling.
  • → Borrowing money: Resorting to borrowing from others or engaging in illegal activities to finance gambling.

When your gambling disrupts either your work, family life, social life, psychological or physical well-being, then it’s called ‘problem gambling’. When problem gambling becomes pathological it qualifies as a progressive addiction.

Potential damage caused by compulsive gambling.

  • Compulsive gambling can have devastating effects on multiple aspects of an individual’s life, including:
  • → Finances: Excessive gambling can lead to severe financial debt and, in many cases, bankruptcy. Individuals may sell or pawn possessions, run up large credit card debts, deplete savings, or even lose homes.
  • → Emotional: Gambling can lead to, or exacerbate, problems with mental health. The cycle of gambling, losing, and guilt can significantly erode self-esteem and self-worth. Compulsive gamblers often suffer from anxiety, depression, and high levels of stress.
  • → Relationships: Marriages and relationships often suffer due to the deceit and financial strain caused by gambling. Individuals may withdraw from social activities and cut themselves off from friends and family to hide their gambling, leading to isolation and loneliness.
  • → Legal and professional: Engaging in illegal activities to fund gambling can result in criminal charges and imprisonment. Decreased productivity, absenteeism, and even theft from the workplace can lead to job loss.

Treatment for gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction, or compulsive gambling is a serious condition that requires comprehensive and compassionate care. Residential rehab treatment at Ibiza Calm provides an immersive environment where clients can receive intensive support to address their gambling addiction.

We help clients to understand the harms associated with their problem gambling, the root causes of their addiction, as well as developing healthier coping mechanisms, is crucial for the individual’s seeking recovery and their loved ones.

Ibiza Calm is a specialised mental health and addiction clinic that provides treatment for any individuals who are struggling with issues relating to compulsive and addictive behaviours. The Ibiza Calm team comprises experienced healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, who are dedicated to providing the support and resources needed to overcome gambling disorder and build a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Key components of residential treatment for problem gambling include:

    Initial Evaluation: On arrival all clients are given a comprehensive, thorough assessment to understand the severity of the disorder, co-occurring mental health issues, and any underlying causes.


    Personalised treatment plan: Developing a tailored plan that addresses the specific needs of the individual.


    Individual one-to-one therapy: This can include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which aims to change negative thought patterns and behaviours associated with gambling; and strategies to aid with relapse prevention, including recognising triggers.


    Terapia de grupo: Provides a supportive environment where individuals can share thoughts, feelings and experiences, and learn from others.


    Mindfulness and meditation: Techniques to help individuals manage stress and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


    Terapia familiar: Involves family members in the recovery process to rebuild trust and improve communication.


    Planificación de la asistencia posterior: Weekly therapeutic check-ins, support groups, and personalised plans to help individuals stay committed to their recovery journey and help maintain long-term abstinence.


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    Quería dejaros un mensaje rápido para agradeceros mucho vuestra ayuda y apoyo durante mi estancia en Ibiza Calm. Todas y cada una de las personas de la casa fueron importantes a su manera en mi recuperación. Me siento muy agradecida a todos vosotros. No siempre es fácil pero se puede conseguir. Mi vida es mucho mejor de lo que era antes de venir y definitivamente soy una mejor versión de mí misma ahora.


    Mi hijo asistió a dos centros de rehabilitación antes de ir a Ibiza Calm. Ibiza Calm, sin embargo, era exactamente lo que decía ser. Trabajaron con mi hijo como un aliado vital en su proceso de recuperación, no como una persona a la que hay que romper y arreglar de acuerdo con un régimen establecido, a la que se culparía y avergonzaría si no respondía adecuadamente al protocolo y al programa de tratamiento del centro. El terapeuta asignado a mi hijo encontró el equilibrio adecuado entre permitirle avanzar a un ritmo en el que se sintiera cómodo y presionarle para que mantuviera un ritmo exigente de autodescubrimiento y recuperación. Mi hijo ha salido de este tratamiento tranquilo y consciente de sí mismo; mientras que terminó los otros programas enfadado e incluso traumatizado. Mi hijo sólo ha estado 6 semanas fuera de Ibiza Calm, así que el éxito a largo plazo para mantenerse sobrio está por ver, pero el cambio en su actitud y comportamiento es tan profundo que tengo grandes esperanzas para el futuro por primera vez en años. Recomiendo Ibiza Calm sin reservas, más bien con una gratitud abrumadora.


    Yo estaba en Ibiza calma desde el 4 de julio hasta el 29 de julio de 2020, tengo 23 años de edad y estaba en un lugar horrible en mi vida De la bebida y la cocaína. Mi novia está embarazada y de plano tuvo suficiente de mi comportamiento egoísta. Yo estaba realmente listo para comenzar mi recuperación, me instalé en fantástica tienen un personal increíble tan servicial y atento, la comida es increíble gracias a Danny el hombre principal en la cocina, los jardines son hermosos, las habitaciones son muy agradables en general me encontré con mi estancia increíble. 10/10 no podía fallar muchas gracias Francis.


    Mi marido estaba en otra clínica de rehabilitación en el Reino Unido hace 6 meses, que no estaba totalmente convencido de que no sólo las experiencias de los demás, pero el entorno / Set up y el enfoque de la misma .. él es sólo 2 semanas en su viaje en IBIZA calma y es la primera vez en mucho tiempo por fin puedo oír la felicidad en su voz, y la motivación en su curación / sobriedad viaje, el compromiso con su salud interior y exterior .. Sé que esto es sólo el principio, pero tanto Billy como Luca han sido extremadamente útiles y me han ayudado mucho. Si buscas ayuda para ti o para un ser querido, no busques más, este es el tipo de lugar que alguien que sufre necesita: el entorno, el programa, el ambiente y un equipo increíble.


    No puedo agradecer lo suficiente al equipo de Ibiza Calm. Tuve un amigo que pasó un tiempo con ellos y lo que han hecho es increíble. Desde la terapia hasta las reuniones le han preparado para seguir adelante. Una vez que se fue, no se quedó solo y tiene un fantástico sistema de cuidados posteriores. Gracias.


    ibiza calma es un gran lugar para el tratamiento que estaba usando drogas y beber todo el tiempo mi vida era un desastre hasta que fui a ibiza calma en abril de 2016 el personal era fantástico y se preocupaba por mí el tratamiento que recibí fue insuperable no puedo agradecer ibiza calma suficiente y también mi familia tiene allí hijo y marido de vuelta en allí vive gracias a este lugar estoy agradecido a los propietarios que siempre me han apoyado a través de los años
