

Burn-out is een aandoening waarbij mensen zich lichamelijk en emotioneel uitgeput voelen. Het wordt meestal veroorzaakt door lange periodes van intense druk, enorme verantwoordelijkheid of buitensporige stress. Elk van deze factoren kan ervoor zorgen dat mensen uitgeput en overweldigd raken, zowel lichamelijk als geestelijk.

In many instances, the condition is related to one’s job and is sometimes referred to as executive or occupational burnout, as it is the result of chronic work-related stress. However, it can happen to anyone; in any position, or in any situation; when they feel they are being drained by constant or incessant demands, on their time or energy.

De stress en uitputting leiden tot gevoelens van hulpeloosheid, cynisme, desillusie en wrok. Het kan zich ook uiten in lichamelijke symptomen zoals hoofdpijn, maagklachten en een verhoogde vatbaarheid voor verkoudheid en griepachtige virussen. Het individu zal het gevoel hebben weg te lopen, niet in staat zijn om situaties onder ogen te zien en de dagelijkse problemen kunnen overweldigend aanvoelen.

Burnout is often accompanied with mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, or it can lead to substance abuse. Individuals struggling with the symptoms frequently look for a way to ease their emotional and physical pain and discomfort. Repeated nights of not being able to sleep, despite being overly exhausted; the head spinning, full of racing thoughts that just won’t turn off; and the bad day at work that you just want to forget about.

Signs of burnout:

    → Crushing physical or emotional exhaustion.
    → A change in appetite. Eating too much or too little, poor food choices.
    → Disruption in sleep. Insomnia, or difficulty in sleeping, despite feelings of extreme tiredness and fatigue.
    → Frequently wanting to stay in bed all day or crashed out on the sofa.
    → An increase in anxiety or depression.
    → Physical symptoms including unexplained head or stomach aches.
    → An increase in susceptibility to viruses, (cold and flu like illnesses).
    → Isolating from family, friends, and co-workers.
    → Withdrawing from social activities or mixing with other people.
    → An increase in the use of drugs, alcohol, food, or prescription medication; or using activities such as gambling and online shopping, or compulsive and obsessive behaviours.
    → Mood swings or changes in emotional behaviours.
    → An increase in irritability, quick to anger.
    → An inability to adapt to situations and difficulty in making decisions.
    → Loss of self-confidence and esteem.

    Residential treatment for Burnout

    Burnout is a challenging condition that can significantly hinder an individual’s quality of life. Ibiza Calm is a specialised mental health treatment clinic that provides a structured and supportive environment for individuals struggling with burnout, and other co-occurring or related conditions. 

    The clinic provides a comprehensive approach to treatment. Clients can receive intensive one-to-one therapy, as well as peer support, and learn stress management techniques, regaining a sense of control and stability. The Ibiza Calm team comprises experienced healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, who work together to provide the highest level of care and support to each patient. 

    De belangrijkste onderdelen van de residentiële behandeling bij Ibiza Calm zijn onder andere:

      Uitgebreide beoordeling: Upon admission, all clients undergo a thorough assessment to understand the severity of their burnout, co-occurring conditions, and specific needs. This helps in creating a personalised treatment plan.


      Individuele behandelplannen: Each person’s experience with burnout is different, treatment plans are tailored to address specific symptoms and challenges. This personalised approach enhances the effectiveness of therapy.

      Eén-op-één therapie: Residential treatment involves various therapeutic modalities, including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours contributing to burnout; dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), which focuses on developing skills to manage emotions and improve relationships.

      Mindfulness and stress management techniques: We teach and encourage practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and prevent future burnout.


      Holistic approaches: We incorporate holistic methods such as art therapy, music therapy, physical exercise and nutrition guidance, to address the mind-body connection and promote overall well-being.


      Medische behandeling: For some, medication may be necessary to manage symptoms of anxiety or depression associated with burnout. Our residential treatment centre gives you access to the best health care, including psychiatrists who can prescribe and monitor medications to ensure they are effective and well-tolerated.


      Supportive community: Omringd worden door lotgenoten die dezelfde problemen begrijpen en delen, creëert een gevoel van saamhorigheid en steun. Groepstherapiesessies bieden mogelijkheden om van anderen te leren, ervaringen te delen en sociale vaardigheden op te bouwen.


      Gezinstherapie: Dit betekent dat familieleden bij het behandelproces worden betrokken om de communicatie te verbeteren en steun te bieden. Al onze behandelprogramma's omvatten een familie steungroep. Familieleden kunnen wekelijks online deelnemen vanaf het moment dat hun dierbare de behandelingskliniek binnenkomt.


      Planning van nazorg: Een succesvolle residentiële behandeling houdt in dat je je voorbereidt op het leven na het verlaten van de kliniek. Dit omvat het ontwikkelen van copingstrategieën en terugvalpreventieplannen, evenals toegang tot steungroepen. Cliënten maken kennis met de nazorgtherapiegroep voordat ze de behandeling verlaten, zodat ze zeker zijn van voortdurende ondersteuning.


      Eerlijkheid begint bij jezelf.


      Je moed is bewonderenswaardig.


      Duurzame revalidatie.


      It is easy to understand why turning to a glass of wine, smoking a joint, or popping a sleeping pill, may seem like the remedy to a stressful workday; or why some online shopping or gambling is a way to forget what needs to be done tomorrow.

      However, the next day the problems are still there, the financial implications of overspending hit home hard, and you still haven’t had a decent night’s sleep, so the exhaustion just won’t go away – plus you have a hangover to boot. Some will rely on caffeine to get them through, whilst others turn to stronger chemicals such as cocaine and amphetamines.

      Unfortunately, what seems like the solution to start with, can rapidly turn into a habit that only creates more issues, doesn’t really resolve the underlying causes, and can lead to a serious problem with dependency and addiction.

      Drugs, alcohol, and addictive or compulsive behaviours only exacerbate mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, and stress worsens the physical health of a person.

      Burnout doesn’t happen overnight, rather it tends to creep up over time, with most of us ignoring the signs until it lays us out completely. If you’re experiencing symptoms that could be indicative of burnout, or another stress-related, or mental health condition, then seek professional advice. Don’t just ignore them and hope they will get better on their own.

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