door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 aug 2024 | Nieuws
August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day. A global event that is held annually with the aim of raising understanding around overdoses, reducing the stigma of drug related deaths, and acknowledging the grief felt by those left behind. The theme for 2024 is...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 aug 2024 | Nieuws
Fentanyl has been making the headlines again in recent weeks. The drug first came toworldwide public attention back in 2016 when it was reported that the megastar Prince had died from an overdose. Data published last month by the US government’s public health agency...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 aug 2024 | Nieuws
For many, the idea of drug addiction is illicit drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, obtained from a dealer. Drug abuse comes in many forms, and it is just as likely for people to misuse pills which have been purchased from a pharmacist; or suggested to them by their...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 aug 2024 | Nieuws
In the hard-hitting Disney+ drama “Dopesick,” despite there being several fictional characters, the narrative is centred on real life people and a true story, which talks about the rise in the use of OxyContin and opioid addiction. The series is based on the 2018...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 aug 2024 | Nieuws
It is extremely rare to find someone who enjoys work 100% of the time. Even those of us who love what we do for a living may, at times, not feel like clocking in. The idea of having to get up, leave the house and trek to the office – in all weathers – can...