door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | aug 14, 2024 | Nieuws
Substance abuse, addiction, and mental health problems including bipolar, depression and anxiety, not only affect the individual suffering, but they can also impact upon the whole family. The effects can be far-reaching, influencing finances, relationships, health,...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 juli 2024 | Nieuws
Each year, globally, March the 1st marks Self-Harm Awareness Day (also known as Self Injury Awareness Day); shedding light on a complex and often stigmatised and misunderstood issue, that can affect anyone, no matter their age or gender. Self-harm, or self-injury, is...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 juli 2024 | Nieuws
“Nothing changes if nothing changes: Change is a process, not an event: Life on life’s terms: Progress, not perfection.” If you are already in addiction recovery, have attended a fellowship meeting, know someone in addiction recovery, have read a self-help book or...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 juli 2024 | Nieuws
Trauma is more than just an unfortunate event; it’s an experience that can deeply shake a person’s sense of safety and well-being. Traumatic experiences often leave lasting scars on a person’s psyche, influencing their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. The effects...
door ibizacalm_obp0x5 | 27 juli 2024 | Nieuws
The phrase, and belief, that “the opposite of addiction is connection,” has been expressed in fellowship meetings, support groups, and encouraged by mental health and addiction specialists for many years. British journalist Johann Hari popularised the saying and...