Wereld Geestelijke Gezondheidsdag, 10 oktober 2024

Wereld Geestelijke Gezondheidsdag, 10 oktober 2024

"Het is tijd om prioriteit te geven aan geestelijke gezondheid op het werk. "Werelddag voor Geestelijke Gezondheid vindt plaats op 10 oktober. Een jaarlijkse campagne, gevierd sinds 1992, die tot doel heeft het bewustzijn rond dit onderwerp te vergroten. Gesteund door de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) en de...
Ageing and addiction

Ageing and addiction

Figures published by the UK government’s Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), and the USAs National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), both seem to indicate that there has been a rise in substance abuse in the elderly. The US...
5 Signs of a codependent relationship

5 Signs of a codependent relationship

Always doing the right thing, caring what others think, putting others first – all good traits, ones that would make you a great friend, partner, or family member; and it is correct to think of other people, their needs and what makes them happy, but not when it...
What is huffing?

What is huffing?

Huffing is a colloquial term for inhalant abuse. It is a type of substance misuse that involves getting “high” by inhaling the chemicals found in everyday household items. The noxious vapour given off by solvent-based products like paint, glue, petrol, and marker...