London, U.K +44 203 868 5710
Ibiza Clinic, Spain +34 664 443 433

“La Casita” Bespoke Programme

“La Casita” Bespoke Programme


This programme includes all the treatment services, and facilities, of the Full Bespoke Care Programme. In addition, clients have exclusive access to “The Casita”.
A standalone 2-bedroom house, separate from the main property, with its own kitchen, living-room, front and back terraces. Ideal for complete privacy; or for anyone requiring additional staff or security.
If you want to learn more about this option, please get in touch with our admissions department for more details.

(Price on application.)

For free information and advice on issues related to mental health and addiction check out the following websites:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). A worldwide 12-step fellowship for individuals who have a problem with alcohol. Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome.

Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Is a global non-profit fellowship, a community of people who support each other to achieve and maintain a drug free life.

Al-Anon. A mutual peer-support programme for people whose lives have been affected by someone elses drinking.

Mind. A registered charity in England, which offers information, advice, local services and support, for those individuals and family members struggling with a mental health condition.

Mental Health Foundation. A UK charity that provides individuals with advice and resources related to mental health.

BEAT. The UKs eating disorder charity that provides information and support for those affected by an eating disorder.