
Alcoholism Rehab

Treatment & Rehab for Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism Treatment

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol misuse, rehab at Ibiza Calm may be the solution you need to start your journey to recovery. The Ibiza Calm team comprises experienced healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, who work together to provide the highest level of care and support to each patient. The centre offers a comprehensive approach to addiction recovery, including medical detox, therapy, and support groups. Ibiza Calm is a specialised centre that provides alcohol rehab for individuals who are struggling with alcohol addiction. The goal of the treatment is to help individuals understand the underlying causes of their addiction and develop the tools and strategies needed to maintain sobriety in the long term.

Alcoholism is addiction.

Problem drinking, alcohol misuse, alcoholism, and alcohol use disorder are all terms which refer to a manner of alcohol consumption that is harmful to health, finances, or relationships, and in some cases all three, i.e., the excessive, compulsive, and repeated use of alcohol despite continuing negative consequences. It can also mean that you are dependent on alcohol, emotionally or physically. According to some experts, the electrical brain­waves in people suffering from alcoholism differ from those who are non-alcoholic, meaning that alcoholism is a physical and psychological disease.

There are nine million problem drinkers in the UK, and 7% of the adult population has alcohol dependence. Around 33,000 people die yearly because of alcoholism, and many more suffer health problems such as liver disease, pancreatitis, diabetes, and heart problems.

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short diagnosis
for alcoholism*

To be diagnosed as an alcohol dependent person, three of the following criteria need to be fulfilled:

  • → High tolerance level, needing to drink more to obtain the same effect.
  • → Use and abuse of alcohol for longer and in larger quantities than planned.
  • → Withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit.
  • → Unsuccessful attempts at reducing use.
  • → Most of the time is spent drinking, procuring alcohol or recovering from heavy use.
  • → Relationship and human bonds are sacrificed in favour of drinking.
  • → Alcohol abuse continues, despite realising that it is harmful for the body.

* Diagnosis of addiction/alcohol use disorder requires a thorough examination by a professional.


Do i have a problem with drinking?

Ibiza Calm will help!


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test yourself…

Do you ever drink to relieve emotional stress?


Do you ever drink alone?


During the past year, have you ever felt remorse after drinking?


How many times in the past year have you tried to cut down or stop drinking?


How many times in the past year have you missed work because of a hangover or drinking?


On a typical drinking day, how many drinks do you have?


In an average week, how many days do you drink?


How often do you have more than six drinks in one go?


There is definitely a problem with alcohol misuse.

We would
be happy to talk
to you…

Please fill out the form and you will be contacted. Your information will be treated confidentialy.


Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder

The mental health problems that most commonly co-occur with substance abuse are anxiety disorders, depression, and bipolar disorder.

It is estimated that 20% of people diagnosed with an alcohol or substance use disorder will also suffer from anxiety or another mood disorder.

Research shows that people with alcoholism are more than six times more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder than the general population, and almost four times more likely to have major depressive disorder.

At Ibiza Calm we carefully assess for anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder on admission, and provide individualised therapy that is tailored to each client.

These conditions may have already been diagnosed, but often not, it is frequently difficult to identify a mental health disorder whilst the individual is continuing to use substances. Our medical director will assess if those ups and downs are a separate condition, or the result of a drinking/drug taking lifestyle, and what is the best way forward.

What if I want to help a loved one?

Careful and gentle experts

If family doesn’t intervene, who will? We help families get their loved ones into addiction treatment.

How Ibiza Calm
will help!

  • Experienced team

    Experienced team

  • Newest techniques

    Newest techniques

  • Bespoke treatment

    Bespoke treatment

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