
Posts Tagged ‘Burnout’

Burnout is a common problem that affects many individuals, especially those in high-stress careers. Our clinic is dedicated to helping people overcome this and get back on track. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to identify the causes and symptoms of your burnout and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you recover. We offer a range of services, including therapy, counselling, and stress management techniques, to help you overcome burnout and regain your energy and motivation. We are committed to providing a supportive and caring environment for our patients, and we look forward to helping you on your journey to recovery.

Burn-out; The Disease Of The Working World

02/08/2019 | category: News

Cancer to diabetes, strokes to heart disease and now… burn-out. Although not yet classified as a  ‘medical condition’ this year we saw burn-out being included in the 11th revision of the Classification of Diseases, under ‘Occupational Phenomenon’ by the World …

High Functioning Addicts

10/02/2019 | category: News

Addiction as depicted through the entertainment industry and often the media is full of stereotypical tropes such as the ‘down and out’ dregs of society, the flamboyant rock and roll fall from grace or else the proverbial ‘rock bottom’ moments. …

Mental health within the music industry

31/05/2018 | category: News

For many, gaining, success and notoriety in the music industry is the ultimate dream. The glamour, fame and fortune can look very appealing to an onlooker but this life of excess and extremes can come at the ultimate price. The …
