
Posts Tagged ‘Depression’

At Ibiza Calm, we are committed to helping individuals who are struggling with depression. We understand that this can be a difficult and isolating condition, but with the right treatment and support, it is possible to overcome it. On this page, we are sharing a list of articles that provide valuable information and advice on depression. From exploring the causes and symptoms to offering tips and strategies for managing it, our goal is to provide a helpful resource for those who are dealing with depression. We hope that by sharing our knowledge and experiences, we can help individuals on their journey to recovery. If you or a loved one is struggling with this mental health problem, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.

Depression: one of the world’s leading causes of disability

10/06/2021 | category: News

Early 2020 saw the Covid-19 pandemic strike fast and furiously across the globe. Governments quickly imposed strict stay-at-home orders, nationwide lockdowns, and heavy restrictions on any form of social interaction, all designed to curb the spread of the deadly virus. …

5 benefits of transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS

01/06/2021 | category: News

What is transcranial magnetic stimulation? Or TMS? Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive form of brain stimulation therapy that has proved effective in the treatment of neurological and mental health conditions such as depression and general anxiety disorder. How …

Substance use rises during the pandemic… dangers and signs you may need to look at your use of drugs and alcohol

21/05/2021 | category: News

The United Nations World Drug report published in 2019 estimated that there were 35 million people worldwide with a drug problem. Various studies have shown that there has been a 13%-18% increase in the use of substances during the pandemic. …

Why we use equine therapy at our rehab in Spain?

12/05/2021 | category: News

Horses are intelligent and sensitive creatures and working with them can help those struggling with addiction and other mental health disorders. Working with horses teaches the importance of building healthy relationships, establishing and understanding boundaries, learning about responsibility and how …

Reflecting on January

06/02/2020 | category: News

Many of us sighed with audible relief when February arrived last week, and with good reason. Monday the 20th of January marked ‘Blue Monday’, apparently the most depressing day of the year.  It falls annually on the 3rd Monday of January. …

Addiction in the workplace

08/11/2019 | category: News

Addiction is prevalent throughout society, and the workplace is no different -in spite of the many negative ways in which alcohol and drug abuse affect the performance of tasks at work. Functioning addicts become adept at hiding the effects of …

Feeling SAD? Social Anxiety Disorder and its Links To Addiction

07/10/2019 | category: News

Feeling nervous in social situations is a feeling all of us will be rather familiar with but for some, social interactions are so overwhelming that social situations are avoided and the disorder, known as social anxiety disorder (SAD) can take …

Suicide – A Life Lost Every 40 Seconds

13/09/2019 | category: News

Suicide accounts for one death every 40 seconds and globally every year, up to 800,000 people die from committing suicide. It is a leading cause in premature death with young adult death rates climbing and even though suicide is more …

Burn-out; The Disease Of The Working World

02/08/2019 | category: News

Cancer to diabetes, strokes to heart disease and now… burn-out. Although not yet classified as a  ‘medical condition’ this year we saw burn-out being included in the 11th revision of the Classification of Diseases, under ‘Occupational Phenomenon’ by the World …

Mental health within the music industry

31/05/2018 | category: News

For many, gaining, success and notoriety in the music industry is the ultimate dream. The glamour, fame and fortune can look very appealing to an onlooker but this life of excess and extremes can come at the ultimate price. The …
