
Posts Tagged ‘Mental Health Problems’

At Ibiza Calm, we know that dealing with mental health problems can be difficult, but with the right support and treatment, recovery is possible. This page will share a list of articles that provide valuable information and advice on mental health issues. Our goal is to provide a helpful resource for those who are struggling with mental health problems. We will explore the causes and symptoms of common mental health disorders and offer tips and strategies for managing them. We also want to highlight our clinic’s services and support for individuals with mental health issues. Our team of experienced professionals is here to help you on your journey to recovery. If you or a loved one is dealing with a mental health problem, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help.

The Brain – And The Implications of Drugs

19/08/2019 | category: News

Our human control centre, the brain, is one of our largest and most complex organs with more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections, called synapses. It is the commander of our nervous system and is responsible …

Addiction Transference 

02/07/2019 | category: News

Addiction replacement or transference is classified by an individual in recovery substituting one addiction for another. This typically occurs during or after the treatment process for the original addiction. When a person enters treatment for addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling …

Smoking Slows Recovery from Addiction

29/04/2019 | category: News

It is a commonly accepted norm among rehabilitation professionals that smoking is less detrimental and dangerous to one’s health than substance abuse addiction and therefore it is often not deemed a priority during treatment. However recent studies are beginning to …

The Opioid Crisis is on the rise

18/03/2019 | category: News

In Britain, the nation’s opioid crisis is on the rise. Last year, the Office for National Statistics reported that fentanyl deaths were up by 29%. What are Opioids? Opioids are drugs generally used to help alleviate severe pain and are …

Mens’ Mental Health and Addiction

05/03/2019 | category: News

There is a growing silent crisis in psychology circles regarding mental health issues leading to suicide and substance abuse predominantly in men. Research is showing that men are roughly three times more likely than women to develop destructive addictions sometimes …

Veganism to hide eating disorders?

21/02/2019 | category: News

The rise of vegetarianism and veganism in recent years is in due in general to increased awareness and compassion for animal suffering, a personal responsibility towards sustainability or reducing carbon emissions and of course, out of emergent consciousness leading to …

High Functioning Addicts

10/02/2019 | category: News

Addiction as depicted through the entertainment industry and often the media is full of stereotypical tropes such as the ‘down and out’ dregs of society, the flamboyant rock and roll fall from grace or else the proverbial ‘rock bottom’ moments. …

Gambling Addiction

24/01/2019 | category: News

Gambling can be a fun and exciting recreational activity; the nervous anticipation of the next card to be dealt, or rolling the dice, perhaps the heightened enjoyment of a football match on which you have a small monetary stake? What’s …

Are you an Echoist?

03/12/2018 | category: News

Defining ‘Echoism’ One particular type of co-dependency that has been gaining more attention in psychology circles in recent years is that of the Narcissist and the Echoist. Whilst the widely known trait of ‘narcissism’ is defined by extreme selfishness, with …

Sex Addiction is an OCD?

26/11/2018 | category: News

Sex addiction is best described as a progressive intimacy disorder characterised by compulsive sexual thoughts and acts. It is not defined by the amount or type of sexual activity involved, but by the particular relationship the person has to compulsive …
